1st Reiki Master in Gambia
After many many years I, Lisa lux, set foot on African soil again, this time it was in Gambia West-Africa. It always feels like home for me as I grew up in Harare, Zimbabwe (South-Rhodesia, Salisbury)
We stayed in a luxurious hotel where I met Sait Sengore, the pool manager, who had the task to treat you as a royalty at least. I asked him where he lived and even after a very long day of work he would have to walk home, which would take him one hour! I asked him the stupid question why he didn’t have a bicycle, on which he cleverly gave the avoiding answer, that he first had to look after his family. Watching him closely, I saw that he must have been around 50 years old, and I got worried about this kind man. If he would lose his job, what would happen to him and his family?
It was my birthday and my husband had offered me an additional birthday present to our trip. Without hesitation I told him that I now knew what I wanted the present to be, a bicycle for the pool manager Sait! My dear husband looked at me somewhat mixed up, and lovingly said: “If that is possible here, your wish will be my command”. After a lot of strain, there we stood with a bicycle waiting for Sait outside of the hotel.
When he realized that it was now his, tears weld in his eyes as he spoke softly “God must have sent you and chosen me for this great present“. Three days later we visited the compound of Sait and after he asked my husband what kind of work he did ect. he gave his full attention to me. He asked me what kind of meditation we had done, because he had heard from the others in the hotel that we had gathered shells, stones and flowers for this meditation. I told him that it consisted of asking the Godly world for healing, strength, and love for the people, plants and the animals on land and in the sea of the Gambia. I then began to tell him about my energy work such as Reiki, ect.
After he had received, or rather experienced, the Reiki energy, I asked him what he would do if he could also become a channel of this Godly loving Universal Healing Energy. His answer was that he would do whatever he could for the sick and poor to comfort them, and that as a channel, he would heal all the pains that are allowed to be healed. I told him to feel and think if this was the way for him and that I was prepared to initiate him in four mornings before his work, through the power of God the guides and the will of himself. And that is how it was written, when I left Gambia I had a Reiki I student of whom I was very very proud.
Exactly one year later I was to return to Sait to give him the Reiki II and the Master Initiation. It can now pass through to as many as possible! At the same time two extraordinary people were initiated in Reiki I. One a cleaner called Demba Sabally and the other the manager from the hotel named Ebrima Jeen. The last message is that the three of them are doing Reiki sessions for people in need and believe me there are a lot of them! They do this as I asked them to do this at least once a month, because this was the agreement we made. This was also to teach them that there should be an energy exchange for their initiation.
But the first Reiki Master of Gambia has been installed. This is a kind and loving man and his name is Sait Sengore. If ever you visit Gambia and need Reiki, please call him. Tel.: 00220 7060595.
On a short term the First Gambia Reiki Center will be opened and we need your support.
The other wonderful thing that will soon take place is that another Reiki Master initiated and trained by me will be moving to Gambia, his name is André Slooter. Email: andre@slooter.dds.nl

This gentleman has the extraordinary gift to wash out all kinds of pains!! He will also support the other three men and will become the first Reiki missionary.
We are thinking of creating a Reiki House in Gambia where one can have a holiday one half of the time, and pass through Reiki to the needy the other half of the time. I ask for your support in this issue aswell, by putting the Holy Reiki Symbols on it.
I thank God that I, as a channel, could make all of this come true. As of now, a Big Light has been lit in Gambia, West-Africa.