The Holy Essenian Healing methods are not a religion and absolutely not a cult. These are complementary healing arts, that are not a replacement of the conventional health care or medicine. In case of mental or physical complaints always consult a General Practitioner or Specialist and follow the prescribed course of treatment. Anyone performing these methods is a channel and we as human beings do not heal anyone.
Academy of the 13 Essenian Arts of Healing in France founded in 2008: Methods of Essenian Healings back on Earth
Methods of Essenian Healings back on Earth
When the two complementary souls Henk Mulder and Lisa Lux were reunited in this life, it became clear that this reunion was to complete a big task. Henk is Clairvoyant on a high level and when in Trance speaks with Mother/Father God, Jesus, Mary Magdalene and Master Mikao Usui. Through this communication by means of channeling Lisa was requested by Jesus and Mary Magdalene, Jesus' complementary soul, to put the knowledge of the methods of Essenian Healings, just like the Pleiadian Healings, back on Earth. These are ancient human healing techniques.
It took about a year to document precisely the healings given by Mary Magdalene. Thereafter we worked hard to create the Academy of the 13 Essenian Arts of Healing. It is our Holy mission to pass on this knowledge to as many people as possible by training and healing sessions. We are convinced that by introducing and executing these ancient healing techniques, as many people as possible may be healed.
Once again Lisa and Henk were asked to move from Mallorca, where they did their energetic work for 5 years with a highlight during the Transformation on 21-12-2012, to France. In these 5 years Essenian Masters, Healers and Reiki Masters – Practitioners were educated. At this moment a Pleiadian Healing Circle trained by Lisa is still active on Mallorca.
After 10 years the energetic task of Lisa and Henk in France has been accomplished. As the financial situation of traveling and staying in France was too difficult for a lot of the students and in order to give all kinds of people, from all kinds of social layers and nationalities who speak Dutch or English, a chance to connect to this 5th Dimensional work, Henk and Lisa are going to live in their house in North Brabant, The Netherlands. For anybody who wants to become an Essenian Master this always has to be consulted with Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
They lived in France from 2013 until 2023, about 25 kilometers from the pilgrim village of Rocamadour, Dordogne, where Mary Magdalene initiated her last Essenian Master approximately 2000 years ago. They lived in this area because this is where the Plants and Herbs still grow wild and can be used directly for the Essenian Herb Healings. Amongst other things, the Essenian Herb Workshops Level 1, 2 and 3, partly due to Henks medical expertise, have been placed back on Earth. Also, in these 10 years many people have been trained again.
The Essenian teachings are meant as educations to become Spiritual Healers (Doctors) now the Earth has been completely transformed to the 5th Dimension. Because of their Academic educations the Essenian Inititated Masters are also qualified to train others.
Essenian Healings and the stones
Just like Jesus 2000 years ago, Lisa came to this Earth with
9th dimensional consciousness. She therefore remembers how to clean and tune-up the stones. Due to her high energy she can also conduct certain Essenian Healings, others cannot do, for psychiatric diseases such as Schizophrenia and Paranoia, as well as the healing of the Barren People.
Toning and the energy of loaded stones are important tools in this healing process. Toning are voice sounds produced by human people. The first toning on this planet was done before the first (unsuccessful) transformation about 185.000 years ago. Toning is meant to synchronise energy chaos of several energy fields levels such as chakras, the light body, the electromagnetic field which contains our thoughts, emotions and feelings, mass consciousness and the Sophisticated Organized Energy Field (= S.O.E.F.), an energy field moving in and around the body wherein all physical and mental components are being projected.
By cleaning the Stones in the Essenian way and by toning the Stones, the Stone's crystals get synchronised in their energy vibration. Because Stones are transformation stations, they are now able to be used by the Godly, Loving, Healing Energies from the 2nd to the 5th dimension and by the person who performs the healings.
The 13 Essenian Arts of Healing combine the energy interactions of all kinds of Stones. Crystals of the cubic, trigeminal, tetragonal, orthorhombic, monocline, hexagonal and triclinic structures are combined. These crystal structures are unique for every individual stone, even within their family.
That is why certain specific Stones are used to heal specific kinds of illnesses.
Crystals of the Stones and their Powers
The power of our thoughts is really based on two things: Attention and Intention. Our thoughts are long electromagnetic waves,so called theta waves, which we send out into space. Through scientific apparatus can be registrated and made visible.
Crystals, this has also been scientifically proved, can receive and send out energetic frequencies and even communicate through complicated waveforms of the electromagnetic field. Human thoughts, emotions and feelings are also part of this field..
Therefore Stones with their different type of crystals (hidden for most people), are highly intelligent modulating stations!
In the core (nucleus) of a crystal you will find an atom and its composition. The atom is dynamic and consists of fragments that constantly turn around its core. So when you look at the serene looking Stones, they have in fact a fizzing molecular mass, vibrating at a certain frequency. In that way they represent a micro-cosmos.
the 13 Essenian Arts of Healing the stones with their own sort of crystals are cleaned, tuned up and synchronized. Different types of stones are used to heal different illnesses that connect exactly to the crystals.
E-mail address Lisa: